
通关单英文是什么,通关单英文怎么表达?CUSTOMS CLEARANCE doCUMENTS是清关文件,通关单即商检,commodity inspection 这是《报关单意思.《报关单》和《通关单》是两个不同的名词.(《通关单》是商检局出具的.与检验检疫部门相关;而报关单则与海关申报相关).


1.属法定检验目录的纺织品,海关还应凭检验检疫机构出具的《出境货物通关单》办理验放手续。For those belonging to legal checking catalogue, Commodity Bill OF exit provided by organs of inspection and quarantine is also required. 

2.准予进口备案,发出《进口药品通关单》。It shall approve of the import record keeping and issue a Notice of Customs Clearance for Imported Drugs. 

3.检务官:这下全部都好了,给你通关单。Inspection affairs officer: Now, everything is OK, here is the certificate for goods entry-exit.

4.以及其他报检资料及《入境货物通关单》第三联寄送使用地检验检疫机构。Other inspection application documents and the third page of the Customs Clearance Form on Entry of Goods, to the inspection and quarantine administration in the place of use. 

5.《进口药品检验报告书》复印件或者注明已抽样并加盖公章的《进口药品通关单》复印件;Photocopy of the Imported Drug Inspection Report, or photocopy of the Imported Drug Customs Clearance Form with a clear indication of "Sampled" and the official SEAL;  

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